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Up to Date Interiors is 2 and other news!

Yesterday marked the second year for Up to Date Interiors!  What a great time to start my third year of blogging at the beginning of our Okinawan adventures with a new home to DIY and decorate. 2nd-blogiversary-postThere are some exciting things planned for this month.  One of the biggest things is my friend Angela from Blue i Style and I are hosting a new weekly link up party.  We are beyond excited to get started and can’t wait to see all of your creativity and talent.  Speaking of talent, Angela designed our graphics for the party and they are amazing! You guys are going to just love her.Draft3-HostedBy-600

It is February so I won’t leave you hanging without  a couple of Valentine’s related posts.  Of course, I am dying to give you a house tour of our new rental.  We are picking up the keys today. YAY!!

Here are some readers’ favorites from last year.

Wall Decor Ideas for Free 

small-space-feature1Small Space Decorating Ideas

bookcase-pinterest-525x800Tips for Styling a Bookcase

tips-for-decorating-kids-rooms-560x800Kid Rooms {ask a designer}

Well y’all, I’m pooped.  After living in a hotel for three weeks, we get to pack our bags and move to our new home.  I better get started!

Come by tomorrow for some “love” inspired DIYs!


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