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DIY Lamp Makeover

Howdy!  It’s time for our first It’s So Ugly It’s Cool thrift store makeover.  Woot.  A big thank you to our hostess Jess from Domicile 37 for her clever idea and putting this together.

I’ve had this silver lamp for quite a few years now.  I found it at a goodwill in VA for $20.  I little high for a thrifted item but loved how solid (aka child proof) it was and it’s fantastic shape. SONY DSC

Now, I know some of you are thinking, “that lamp is gorgeous, are you crazy for making it over?”  But after owning it for about 7 years now, I never know where to place this big chunk of silver.  It never seemed to flow with anything else in our space.  Plus, there are tons of knicks and scratches on it and it was just time for some long awaited attention.

The first thing I did was tape off the cords and bulb socket and then gave it three light coats of copper spray paint.  (I have spray painted a ton of silver plated items before and am always pleased with the results!)SONY DSC

I was careful to hold the paint can away about 18 inches and really lightly dusted the lamp with each coat to avoid any drips and for even coverage.  It worked like a charm! before-after-copper-lamp

I love the warmth of the copper and it’s beautiful contrast to our gray sofa.  The living room went under a little room arrangement so now the white chest sits on the other side of the couch. SONY DSC

I don’t think this lamp will ever have a problem finding a beautiful spot now.   SONY DSC

To see more lamp makeovers, click HERE and HERE.

Let’s see what the other talented bloggers did for their thrift store challenge!!

thrift store challenge

Domicile 37 // Britt Kingery // Shabby Grace Blog



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