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How to Make a Beautiful Orchid Wreath in 2 Easy Steps

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Dress up your front door for spring with a beautiful DIY embroidery hoop wreath using artificial flowers in two easy steps.

It’s almost spring which means I daily look into my craft closet to see what treasures I can turn into something useful for the season! This time I grab half an embroidery hoop and two faux orchid stems that have been hiding in the back for years.

DIY Orchid Embroidery Hoop Wreath

Welcome to A Very Global Easter Series Day Four. I teamed up with my dear friend Casa Watkins Living to bring you seven days of globally inspired Easter DIYs, decorating tips, and printables. Today we are sharing creative wreath ideas.

Diy Embroidery Hoop Wreath Orchid Wreath Edited 8
Embroidery Hoop Wreath with Orchids and Green Tassel

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All you need is a large embroidery hoop and two large faux orchid stems for this simple project. Have your glue gun (my favorite one!) and wire cutters on stand by.

Diy Orchid Wreath Edited
Hoop Wreath DIY

How to put together a stunning DIY floral hoop wreath:

Diy floral hoop wreath
DY Floral Hoop Wreath
  • Hot glue each one alternating between the inside and outside of your hoop. Start at the bracket if you are using the outside hoop to make sure it’s hidden.
orchid flower hoop wreath steps
Orchid Flower Hoop Wreath

* Tip: First layout the flowers around your hoop evenly to see how far apart they need to be for consistent coverage. But don’t fret, they are really easy to pull off and reglue if you need better placement.

Embroidery Hoop Wreath DIY
Embroidery Hoop Wreath DIY
DIY Embroidery Hoop Wreath with Orchids and Green Tassel
DIY Embroidery Hoop Wreath with Orchids and Green Tassel

Hang inside or out. I love how it looks just inside our home and also the contrast against the black front door.

Diy Orchid Wreath Edited 5
Orchid Embroidery Hoop Wreath on Wall
Diy Orchid Wreath Edited 7
White Orchid Wreath on Black Door

I would also hang it on the mirror in the foyer. It looks so pretty with the stenciled walls and the green tassel matches my pathos plant. Both the plant and bamboo trellis were from my grandmother’s funeral six years ago.

But for now, it is greeting our guests as they come up to the door. I’m so glad to have those orchids out of the closet!! I originally bought the stems from IKEA 10 years ago for my daughter’s nursery. They looked so real that I never could get rid of them.

Diy Orchid Wreath Edited 9
DIY Orchid Wreath on Front Door

Don’t you love a quick seasonal DIY that doesn’t require a lot of supplies? And DIY hoop wreaths are always so pretty and modern. I don’t think the trend is going away anytime soon.

Let’s go see how Stephanie created this beautiful Painted Easter Egg Wreath.

Painted Easter Egg Wreath
Painted Easter Egg Wreath from Casa Watkins Living

You can find all the best decorating ideas and DIYs for Spring and Easter on this page! It also includes seasonal printables, checklists, and worksheets for Spring decluttering and organizing.


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