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How to Create A Crescent Floral Moon Wreath in a Few Simple Steps


Create a beautiful DIY floral crescent moon wreath in just a few simple steps for under $10. Part of The Global Styler monthly series.

Say goodbye to generic seasonal and holiday decor and make your own beautiful pieces with budget-friendly easy DIYs inspired by the global style and modern trends.

Hello there!  Welcome to The Global Styler hosted by Casa Watkins Living.  If you are new to the series, the gals of The Global Series share a themed-globally inspired DIY or decorating tip on the first Monday of each month. 

This month we decided to create a Fall/Halloween door (or wall) hanging.  I wanted something modern with a touch of global that would be easy to make for under $10.

Read on to learn how to make a modern Halloween wreath with a floral crescent shape. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is!

DIY Crescent Floral Moon Wreath with Brass Bells

Diy Floral Crescent Moon Modern Halloween Wreath on a black door with white flowers.
DIY Floral Crescent Moon Wreath DIY

So we are still transitioning into our beautiful new home.  I still haven’t shared pictures because it is mostly empty and a bit dark. 

I’m waiting for our final household shipment from Japan with my tripod and decor items (and our mattresses!).  But it is a single-story ranch in a beautiful neighborhood in Fort Worth and I already love it to pieces. 

The previous owners did such a fantastic job with updates and renovations including the paint colors!  I knew having a bold dark front door would be the perfect backdrop for a minimalist Halloween wreath and a white floral crescent moon shape would be a lovely contrast.

Here’s what you need for a crescent moon wreath

  1. A piece of cardboard.
  2. A large embroidery hoop or metal hoop wreath, 12-16″.
  3. White small faux flowers (two bunches). Find it at your local dollar tree or craft store.
  4. Hot glue gun and sticks.
  5. Brass bells/hanging.
Supplies for a Modern Halloween Floral Crescent Moon Wreath showing white flowers.
Supplies for DIY Crescent Moon Wreath

How to make a crescent moon wreath template

  • Use the hoop as a guide on a piece of cardboard to create two half circles.  Trace your first crescent shape and then move the hoop over 2-4 inches making sure the ends of the half-circle touch the hoop at each end.
  • Trace the second crescent shape. Carefully cut it out with a box cutter and trim off rough edges with scissors. Now you have a crescent moon form.
How to make a Crescent Moon Template for a crescent wreath.
Crescent Moon Template
  • Prepare the flowers by removing the heads and snipping off the stem or flower closure so that it lays flatter. Be careful to not cut too close to the petals so the flower doesn’t fall apart. 😉
Flower heads ready for glue on a crescent moon shape piece of cardboard.
Flower Heads for Floral Crescent Wreath
  • Lay them out on your crescent shape lining the edges first and then filling in the middle. Hot glue each flower head into place.
Crescent Floral Shape Modern Halloween Wreath shape next to an embroidery hoop wreath.
Floral Crescent Moon Shape
  • Attach the floral moon form with hot glue to the back of the cardboard and press it onto the form. Let it dry and then hang.
  • You can add a beautiful piece of ribbon to the top for a hanger or attach a little bit of wire to the hoop behind the flowers.
  • It might help the floral crescent wreath stay straight as the flowers do make it a little unbalanced. I have a larger decorative hook on my front door and was able to hang the wreath straight with no problems.
A white floral Crescent Moon Wreath for Halloween hanging on a black door with brass bells.
Floral Moon Wreath on Black Door

It’s a perfect witchy craft for a DIY withes tea party!

A Modern Halloween Wreath featuring a white floral crescent moon shap on a black fron door.
DIY Floral Crescent Modern Halloween Wreath

Adorn with brass bells for an eclectic global vibe!  I found mine at a garden center in Japan but places like Cost Plus World Market, Home Goods, or your local craft store will most likely have something similar.  

Crescent Moon Wreath Printable Instructions

A floral crescent moon wreath created with cardboard and dollar store white flowers looks stunning hanging on a black door with small brass bells.

How to Create A Crescent Floral Moon Wreath in a Few Simple Steps

Yield: Crescent Floral Moon Wreath
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Make a beautiful floral crescent moon door hanging with only a few items and adorn your door with modern seasonal decor.


  • A piece of cardboard
  • A large embroidery hoop or metal hoop wreath, 12-16" wide
  • 2 bunches of small white faux flowers from your local dollar or craft store
  • Brass bells (optional)


  • Hot glue gun and sticks
  • Floral-wire cutter
  • Box cutter
  • Pencil
  • Scissors


  1. Lay your piece of cardboard flat. Use the embroidery hoop to trace a crescent shape (partial half-circle).
  2. Move the hoop over 2-4 inches making sure the end of the half-circle touches the hoop at each end. Trace a second credence shape. Crescent Moon Template
  3. Carefully cut out the completed crescent moon shape with a box cutter and trim of rouches edges with scissors.
  4. Removing the flower heads off the stems by cutting or pulling them off. Cut the knob at the back of the flower head so they lay flatter but not too close to the petals so the flower doesn't fall apart. Crescent Floral Moon Wreath Flowers Glue
  5. Lay the flower heads out on the crescent shape cardboard lining the edges first and then fill in the middle.
  6. Hot glue each flower into place. Crescent Floral Shape Modern Halloween Wreath
  7. Apply hot glue to one side of the embroidery hoop and place the floral crescent moon on top until the hot glue hardens.
  8. Let completely dry and hang!Diy Floral Crescent Moon Modern Halloween Wreath
  9. You can also add a piece of ribbon or wire for a hanger and embellish the wreath with brass bells to complete the look.

Did you make this project?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

Diy Floral Crescent Moon Wreath Pinterest
DIY Floral Crescent Moon Wreath

I love how lightweight the final wreath is! You can easily hang it anywhere but make sure it is protected from the elements if hanging outside. Ours does just fine on the covered front porch.

Join me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes, DIYs, decorating tips, room tours, and home inspiration. I’ll see you over there!

This is the first DIY home decor I’ve done back in the states and in our new home!  I foresee many more in the coming months. 😉 It is wonderful to be a homeowner again.

Fall and Halloween DIY Wreath Ideas

Now it’s time to stop by the other ladies’ creative posts for more inspiration.

Check out Casa Watkins Living’s beautiful Boho Bicycle Wheel Wreath with dried citrus and tropical flowers. She always has such fun and colorful DIYs to add to her tropical, global-bohemian interiors!

diy bicycle fall wreath
DIY Bicycle Fall Wreath

And Jess from House Homemade’s DIY Dia De Los Meurtos wall hanging. You’ll love her eclectic mix of old and new furniture and decor styles in her beautiful home.

DIY Dia De Los Muertos Wall Hanging

With just a few supplies and these modern wreath ideas, you’ll have a new wreath to adorn your home in no time!

Looking for more seasonal inspiration? Don’t miss out on 50 + Fall seasonal and holiday decorating ideas, DIYs, and free printables for the season where I’ve shared my best decorating ideas with checklists and printable art!

You’ll find oodles of projects, tips, and beautiful printables.

Make sure to leave a comment if you have any questions or just want to chat. I enjoy reading and replying to each one.

Until next time,



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