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Recent Thrifty Finds

Discover the thrill of the hunt with our recent thrift store finds. Find budget-friendly treasures that add character and style to any room.

Happy St Patty’s Day! I hope you are having an enjoyable one.  I treated myself to a facial and then went on a hunt for corn beef and cabbage.  Plenty of cabbage in Okinawa but no corn beef.  I wonder if the family would eat fish and cabbage?

Since most of our furniture went into long term storage, we have been on the hunt for a few pieces here in Japan.  Sounds tough, huh?  It’s been a little bit of a challenge because most of the Japanese furniture is on a smaller scale.  It fits my children and me perfectly but my 6’1″ husband looks hilarious trying to get comfortable. We have searched the antique and thrift stores but most pieces are pricey because we are on such a small island.    However, we were lucky the last two weekends!  Check it out… SONY DSC

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember this pair of chairs we found at a recycle store.  They are sleek and chic but big enough that I can curl up into one.  SONY DSC

My husband and I love the warm tones against our grey area rug and taupe couch.  I might refinish them down the road but for now the upholstery is in perfect shape. SONY DSC

Don’t they have a great shape?

Our most recent find is a modern media stand that weighs like a thousand pounds! We had to go knock on doors to find help for carrying it inside. SONY DSC

It surprised my husband that he loved such a modern piece.  Just before we found the media stand, my husband spotted this Chinese traditional bookcase.  It was a steal for around a $100.  We didn’t even knew we needed it! SONY DSCIt has two drawers with beautiful metal pulls.


We did know that my husband needed a desk.  Poor guy really hasn’t had a place to work in, well, ever! This desk came from a seller on bookoo and was only $30.  SONY DSC


I’m still waiting on a canopy bed that I ordered, but our bedroom is really cozy.  Daphne loves it too! SONY DSC

Our bedroom is on the second floor and when you come down the stairs you see this. SONY DSC

I found it on base at a local vendor.  When I saw it, I knew the stairs was the perfect spot for it. 🙂

Now the only thing we need is a kitchen table and chairs!  Then I can concentrate on organizing and decorating. Woo hoo!



  1. Really enjoyed
    the pictures of your new home.
    I love your style. Blessings on your
    family while you are in Japan.

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