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Simple DIY Gift Idea: Mini Pom Pom and Tassel Tree Ornament

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Create a beautiful handmade gift this season with a mini pom and tassel tree in a glass ornament for colorful boho holiday decor!

Hey there!  Welcome to Day Seven of A Very Global Christmas where Casa Watkins Living and are I sharing 12 days of globally inspired Christmas DIYs and decorating/entertaining ideas.  I guess that puts us past the half way point!  I hope you have been enjoying this annual series.  If you have miss any of our previous posts including last years, you can find them all at A Very Global Christmas page.   Today we are sharing simple and fun DIY gift ideas!

Simple DIY Gift Idea with a Mini Colorful Boho Christmas Tree
Diy Gift Idea Pom Pom Tassel Christmas Tree Ornament Terrarium
Global Christmas 2018

For today’s DIY,  I decided to look through my cabinets and craft supplies to see what I could come up.  I have a few empty containers and decided to use a hanging glass terrarium from the Japanese dollar store I snagged earlier this year.

What you need for a pom pom and tassel Christmas tree decoration:

  1. glass hanging terrarium
  2. bottle brush tree
  3. mini pom poms
  4. hot glue
  5. two tassels
  6. ribbon
Supplies For Pom Pom Tassel Tree In Glass Terrarium

This turned out so cute and it literally took all of five minutes.  All your boho loving friends and family will love this cute and colorful Christmas gift!

How to create a boho colorful mini tree decoration:

  • Hot glue pom poms onto a small bottle brush tree.
Hot Glue Pom Poms To Bottle Brush Tree
  • Thread a pretty ribbon for a hanger and two tassels for pops of color on the glass ornament.  Place the tree in the opening of the ornament.
Bottle Brush Tree With Pom Poms Tassels Up Close
Pom Pom Tassel Tree Glass Terrarium Ornament

 No I wish I had picked up more of those hanging glass terrariums for under a $1!!  Also, If found the bottle brush tree in a thrift store in japan for pennies (or yennies as we call them). 

Its just darling and could be hung on a furniture knob/pull, door knob, house plant, or just about anywhere!

Pom Pom Bottle Brush Tree Glass Ornament

I’m excited to see how Stephanie created her DIY gift idea for today.  Let’s go check it out!

DIY Dala Horse With Sharpie Markers
Diy Dala Horse Sharpie Markers

Check out how to make a boho fabric covered picture frame for another gift idea! Head over to the Winter holidays, DIYs, and decor page for more articles and resources!

We still have five more days!  See you soon,



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