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Stickers, stickers, and stickers


Happy Monday y’all.  My Texan accent has come back now that my grandfather is visiting me in Okinawa.  I love how his 6 ft frame, Indian Jones hat, and white beard makes him stand out among locals.  He’s adorable and a pretty amazing man.  86  years old and he traveled half way around the world to see me and his grandkids.   While he took a catnap this afternoon, I took the opportunity to put up wall decals in my kids rooms and master bathroom.  decals-pinterestWashi tape and stickers are quickly becoming my two favorite ways to decorate walls in our rental.  Our daughter’s bedroom has an entire wall of closet doors that needed some pizzaz so I started in her room.

SONY DSCGold polka dot stickers were on the inspiration board I created for her. SONY DSC

They took all of 3 minutes to put up!SONY DSC

As usual I eyeballed the placement. 😉  (I like things quick and simple!)SONY DSC

Target had some pretty gold feather decals that I had also planned on using in my daughter’s room but decided they would be better used elsewhere.  I placed three of them in our bathroom. SONY DSCGold feathers and fresh flowers are a lovely distraction from the yellow-plastic sink.

SONY DSCThe biggest challenge in my son’s room is find a way to make his loft bed appear it fits well in his little room!  When I created his inspiration board, my focus was to find ways to “ground” the bed.  One solution was a black stripe decal across two walls.


It worked better than I had imagined and the graphic pop it creates when you walk down the hallway towards his room is neat.


I officially have some sort of wall art in every space in our Okinawan rental with only two little pin holes in the wall (for two very heavy prints!).  YAY!!

Click here to find ways to decorate with washi tape!

Until tomorrow friends,



This post is linked to LWSL: Thrifty Thursday!


  1. That’s great! Washi tape and stickers are a fun and easy way to add some personality to your walls. I’m sure your daughter’s bedroom looks great now.

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