Tokyo Museum from a Decorator’s Perspective
Ever wonder how to find design inspiration from a museum? Take a look at the se beautiful images at a Tokyo museum from a decorator’s perspective.
What do you think of that title? I just came back from a wonderful weekend in Tokyo with over 500 pictures. While I had a blast with my new camera lens, I tried to take pictures of different textures, colors, patterns, and other materials that stood out to me. Seriously y’all, I could design a room around pics like this. So without further ado, here’s Tokyo National Museum from a Decorator’s Perspective.
Tokyo National Museum from a Decorator’s Perfective
If it’s your first time here, you would normally find me sharing rental decorating ideas and DIYs for small space living. We are a military living overseas in Japan so I’ve been itching to share some my experiences with you! Don’t forget to check out what living in off base military housing is like and how tricky it can be to decorate.
I hope you enjoy the amazing architecture, gardens, and art. There are so many wonderful colors and textures.
If you have any interest of what the art pieces are (or other pics), please let me know and I will be happy to tell you! 😉 I can’t wait to share a little more about our trip with you but I’ll finish this week with 4th of July inspiration and hopefully a room tour. Have a wonderful week!
You would probably also enjoy our modern Japanese rental home tour and a traditional Japanese home tour.
What new lens did you get?! Great photos…love all the detail shots!
I bought a 50 mm fixed lens Hannah. I really like the depth of field but am still learning how to use it. 😉